Thursday, March 29, 2007

Psalm 3

1. Those who mock you and seek my destruction increase everyday. May my enemies increase because of righteous actions, not my sinful ones. May I be bold to confront those who oppose You. When adversaries and trouble come my way may I cling to you.

2. Those who don't know you may look at me and in their own foolishness think that I would despair, and there is no hope for me. May they be proved wrong. May all my trials and tribulations only prove to me all the more that you are here. May I look at my hardships as a time for you to come and save me. May you deliver me not from my problems, but from my desire to react in a sinful way to trials.

3. Although there are many who would say there is no hope, it is only because they do not know you. For you are a shield and the protector of my life. You are everything that is good in me. When problems arise and trouble comes You are my hope. May I always look to you for my hope and my contentment, may I never look to myself or what the world has to offer for my satisfaction. Like a loving Father you lift my head when I tend to despair.

4. Lord, thank You so much for listening to my prayers. May my heart continually seek you. Whether I am in distress or giving thanks may my heart go straight to prayer. You may not answer me immediately or in the way I want, but Lord you always answer us, and in the way that is ultimately best for us. Thank you for being the all-powerful, sovereign God of this universe, yet, listen to my individual cry to you.

5. You give me peace and rest. You do not allow anything to come my way that I cannot handle, you are gracious indeed. You give me just enough to handle and rejuvenate my soul with peace and rest when I lean on you. May I be strengthened in my weakness because of You. You sustain us and give us the strength we need to get through each day. Thank you for the food, clothes, and health that you give us, may we use everything we have to glorify You.

6. Because of the strength You give us, the shield that You are to us, we have nothing to fear. Though the world seek to destroy us may we find refuge and strength in You. May we not fear anything that the world can throw at us. May we fear only You and You're righteous judgments.

7. You are a living God that is able to do as You have promised. You have told me that You will never leave nor forsake me. You have the power to destroy all evil and temporal things that would look to harm us. Why should we cling to these weak temporal things that we so often do when You can destroy them in an instant? May you destroy the evil and keep us safe.

8. Most of all save us Lord. Thank you for the salvation you freely offer us. The protection and strength that you give us is wonderful, but all the more may we rejoice in the salvation that you freely offer to us through Your Son. May you truly have your blessed hand upon those of us who love and cherish You. Praise be Your name, may you truly bless Your children.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Psalm 2

1. Lord, help us to remember that you are in control. Everything of the world goes against who you are. May we not get caught up in the lures of this world. We spend so much of our time devising our own plans and we neglect to include you in them. Help us to remember you in all our decisions, help us to seek your wisdom through your Word as you direct our steps.

2. The world seeks fame, fortune, and their own desires. The world seeks for power, they seek to take all glory away from God and heap it on themselves. Just as you were when you came to earth, the world mocks you and seeks to dethrone you.

3. May we do everything in our power to run from these evil powers. May we run from the sin that so easily entangles us. Lord keep us from harm and give us the strength and wisdom to come together as the Church and fight the spiritual battle you have called us to.

4. Lord you are so BIG, and I am so small. You look down from your throne on high and see those who crave unrighteousness, who live as if there is no God. And yet You, you sit in heaven and look down and laugh. You are all-powerful sovereign God, may we remember that none can usurp your throne. May we remember that you are above all, and we cannot even begin to fathom your power.

5. Your laughter in heaven will only remain for so long. There will come a day when your patience will run out and your wrath will consume those who did not obey you. Lord, help us to remember your wrath, may it cause us to fear and tremble. May we not forget you throughout the day, but remember we have been saved from that terrible wrath which will one day be poured out upon the unrighteous.

6. You do as you please. You place whoever you desire where you require them. You have appointed those whom you desire to overthrow the foolish wisdom of the world.

7. May our lips proclaim your majesty to the world. May our thoughts often drift to you. How blessed we are to be called your sons. To dwell in the family of the Most High God is a privilege we should never take for granted. You have allowed us to be born again. Because of the Sacrifice of Son of God, can we be called sons of God.

8. Lord may we always remember that you desire what is best for us. May we constantly be praising you and thanking you for all you have given to us. We have inherited so many temporary and permanent blessings because of what you have done for us. You own the whole world and desire to give us what is good, may we ask with confidence when we ask of you. May our prayers never sell your power short, or may we never ask selfishly.

9. Lord, you will one day return to destroy your enemies. Those who mock you and despise you, you will show them your power. May we shudder at the thought of your wrath and warn others of its swift destruction.

10. As those who have been given a new life and are saved by the grace of God may we be wise with our actions. May our testimony to the world be pleasing to you. May we constantly be on alert and never be satisfied with our current state, but rather pursue you and take heed of your impending wrath.

11. When we come before you to pray, or worship, or listen to your word may we pay You the respect and honor you deserve. May we never approach You with flippancy or indifference. May our joy be rooted in the fear we have for Your Name. May our worship to you be a sweet fragrance because you see our reverence and fear for Your Name.

12. May our thoughts be constantly focused on Christ. May we always remember the ultimate sacrifice He paid for us and never trample on His precious Name. The world opposes Him and mocks Him by the way we live, may we remember their ultimate destruction and be grateful and know the blessing we have as we can take refuge in the very God of this universe. We can confidently come before you and you will protect us from your wrath, for those who have loved Your Son.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Psalm 1

1. How much happier we are when we are to bless the Lord. You are honored in us Lord when we keep from the wicked. May you keep our steps from wandering into the sinful traps of this world. May you keep our hearts from those who would speak against you. May you keep our hearts pure from those who would mock you and mock those you have created.

2. How much happier we are when we recognize your Words and the life they bring. May our hearts not only desire to read your word, but that all of our being would delight in knowing it. May we recognize the special treasure we have in your Word. May we truly recognize Scripture as you speaking to us, and may we think about it as often as we can. May we not just think about it, but may we live in it. May what we read in your Word delight our hearts and change our living.

3. May our delight in your Word grow strong roots in our heart and anchor us to your truth. May we find refreshment and life sustaining nutrients in all that you reveal to us, and may we never stray to seek refreshment elsewhere for it will surely be poison to our souls. May your Word produce in us the necessary fruits. May we anxiously await for the next good deed we can do for you, in your name. May we prosper and our lives be blessed as long as we look to you for our sustenance. And may we remember you in all that we do.

4-5. May our lives be the opposite of the wicked. May we be a contrast to those who are against you. May we constantly recognize the benefits we have in you. May we not compare ourselves to the temporary benefits it may seem the wicked get for you tell us that they will one day be blown away like chaff. They have no roots in you, and in the day you return they will try to reconcile with you, and have no foundation to stand on. May we remember the blessing we have in being rooted in you and your truth. When you judge us, if our hearts are not rooted in the foundation of Christ we will be cast away and never be able to dwell among you and your people. May our hearts long to be with you and be with those who desire you.

6. Lord, know my heart, know me, continue to reveal to me the benefits of your word, and the blessings of being your child. Direct my paths and help me to remember the way of destruction that I might keep far from it.