Thursday, April 12, 2007

Psalm 8

1. You are MY Lord and MY God. You are personal and care for us. May we allow you to truly be the LORD of our lives. May we submit to Your Lordship, and live in humble obedience. You are so majestic and high up. You are so above us in every way and we are but nothing compare to You. You have displayed Your power to us in the heavens. The whole earth and all that is in it display Your infinite power above ours. We look so small and insignificant compared to You.

2. The miracle of birth and life tells of Your glory. Who are we to question You God? Each new birth and new life miracle reminds us of Your power. May we never take that for granted and see Your power manifested in all that You have made.

3. Lord, may I think intently upon all that you have created, every star in the sky, every planet in this universe was created simply by Your word. May these thoughts remain in my mind, may I dwell on them constantly. When I may begin to think highly of myself, may I be humbled by the infinite power of Your hand.

4. When I recognize all that You have made, may I humbly bow before You and give You the praise You deserve. May I treasure the fact that despite You being so far above me and so superior to me, You would take the time to think about me and care about me. Why would you even think of me? More than that, why would you desire to reconcile a relationship that is so one-sided? In my sin I have trampled upon You, I have mocked You, I have hated You, yet You sent Your Son to die for me so that we could have a relationship again. You are truly an amazing God!!

5-8. Despite my utter lowliness and sinfulness You have made us in Your image and have put us in charge of all Your creation. You have crowned us with Your glory and You give us so much that we don't deserve. You have put us over all the animals, trees, mountains, all Your resources You have put into our hands. May we use the power You have given us to give the glory back to You, Oh Majestic Lord.

9. O Lord, You are a Lord who cares for Me personally. The very thought of that causes me to proclaim Your name above all others. How majestic are you Lord!!!

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