Monday, April 23, 2007

Psalm 11

1. In You alone, Lord, may I take refuge. You alone are my strength. Forgive me when I turn anywhere else for my joy or satisfaction. When I am in trouble may you be the first thought in my mind. When I fear and desire to flee it is only because I am relying on my own strength. May I always remember your promise to me that You will never give me anything beyond what I can handle. May You be the first and last place I turn to.

2. It is true that the wicked desire to destroy me. Satan desires to get me to doubt and fear and run. He wants me to believe that You cannot help me, and I surely cannot do it on my own. Everything wicked in me wants to listen and obey. Help me to remember that You are my refuge and it is in You alone that I should lean.

3. When my faith is weak and I rely only on my own strength, there is truly nothing I can do. Life would be hopeless and meaningless apart from You. When the world is crashing around and I forget about You, there is nothing I can do.

4. However, in Your wonderful power and love for us, You sit on high in Your rightful place and watch over us. You look over all who are Yours and You care for them personally. What should I fear? What can overpower You?

5. Lord, You look down on the righteous and the unrighteous, You know who has bowed their knee before You and confessed You as Lord. You know the one who truly loves You and You watch over them.

6. You also know the wicked and You will reign down Your wrath and judgment upon them. Those who do not know You will face eternity in hell away from You. Thank You for Your mercy on us.

7. Thank You Lord for Your perfect Righteousness. You are the perfect standard that we long to be like. Because of Your perfect righteousness we will one day get to spend eternity with You and behold Your sinless and glorious face. Thank You Lord for being our refuge, may we remember You in all things.

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