Saturday, April 7, 2007

Psalm 6

1. Lord, remember Your mercy when You look upon my sin. You have every right to rebuke me and to punish me. I frequently violate Your law, and deserve death because I have sinned against You. However, I claim the blood of Christ and ask for Your wonderful mercy to quench Your righteous wrath. Thank You Lord for your mercy and grace to me.

2. I feel the weight of the world's hostility and the whole of my sins. This world can be so hard and I so often give into temptation. Be gracious to me God. Look down on your servant and be merciful as only You can. Give me restoration, cleanse me from my sins, and give me the joy of salvation. May I seek only You to cure this sinful inclination I have. Only in You can I find the proper protection and forgiveness from sin.

3. Not only physically do I feel the pain of my sinfulness, but my soul feels fractured. My soul is sad for sinning against the One who created it. How long must we suffer in these temporary bodies. May You place in my heart a true longing for Your return. May I long to spend eternity with You in Heaven, and keep that in my sites while I live here on this earth.

4. Come back to rescue Your children Heavenly Father. Our souls need rescuing. My soul longs to be reunited with its Maker. I long to be redeemed by Your blood and live with You in glory where no sin will remain. It is only because of Your lovingkindness that this is possible. Only on the works of Christ can I claim salvation, for there is nothing within me worthy of saving. May we think often of You and long for Your return.

5. May we long for the time when there will be no death and constant rejoicing. What an amazing place to think about. For when we are with You, there will be no more dying, no more sin, no more tears to cry. For those who do not know You, they will spend eternity in a torturous hell where there is no joy and no giving thanks, just ultimate suffering. May our minds remember Your mercy and grace when we think about such a place.

6. This world is so wearisome, I can't wait for your return. My body is tired, may it be tired from serving you, not from sinning. Listen to my prayers when I am suffering, comfort me in my anguish, and cause me to quickly repent of my sins when they are present.

7. Because of those who hate You, I will be hated. Because of this life will become more difficult and I will need to lean on Your strength. Give me the strength I need to be bold, and stand up for Your name, and yet not sin. May my adversaries have no victory over me, but in my faithfulness to You, bring them to their knees in repentance, that one more may claim the name of Christ.

8. Lord keep me safe from those who commit sins. May those who live a life of sinfulness be rendered ineffective and unattractive. Those who would mock You and trample on the work of Christ, keep my mind safe from such things. Lord, I know You listen and will grant my request for You desire to keep me pure and safe from the things that can defile me. You recognize a contrite heart, a sincere heart that does not want to be polluted by sin. You will be faithful to grant this to me.

9. Lord You are so faithful to hear me when I pray. May I take full advantage of this opportunity I have to speak with the Lord of Lords, the King of this World. You not only hear them, but You receive them, and You answer them in my best interest. You give Me what I need, not what I want, and You remind me of my need for You everyday.

10. All those who have mocked You and rebelled against You will be ashamed. When they recognize the truth of Your Word when You reveal Yourself to them they will not be able to say a thing and have to accept their banishment to hell. Their souls will recognize what their conscience has put aside and hid for all these years. They will not have the righteousness of Christ to claim. They will merely have their own righteousness to claim, which is nothing but filthy rags before You. Thank You Lord for keeping us from such an ending.

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